As a resource for forensics students, especially new forensics students, this resource is hard to beat. The materials are generally cut thoughtfully and clearly, and I like that the company includes information at the ends of the pieces regarding places when that particular piece has been used. The owners are always very responsive via email, and the interface of the website is easy to follow. These are not reflections at all on the company, but some important things to consider when using this excellent resource: 1) 4N6 Fanatics is not a publishing company, so for competition in some leagues (such as NSDA), where proof of publication and original source material need to be accessible, you'll still need to find the original source beyond what is on 4N6 Fanatics. 2) -The cuttings used here are just specific cuttings created by 4N6 Fanatics and used by other students. I've found that some of my students feel "locked in" to the specific cutting, the provided introduction (both wording and location), and other aspects of the way each piece "looks" on the page. Good coaching can mitigate this, but it's good to communicate these things to the students. Although there's an introduction provided, I still try to encourage my students to write an original introduction. 3) -In my experience in competition through WFCA in Wisconsin, some (but not all) 4N6 Fanatics pieces see heavy rotation in competition. This is why I usually encourage my newer students to start here and my more experienced students to branch out a little bit. That being said, there are SO MANY resources on this website that are always being updated that careful piece selection can still avoid repetition between competitors from different schools.