

$250.00 for 365 Days of Service


The Vault

2,200+ performance-ready selections, complete with introductions and source information



NEW cuttings added each week during the school year with updates emailed to our coaches

The Vault
The Vault
The Database

The Database

24,000+ records tracking State and National qualifiers

Search by Title, Author, Event, Awards, 
Age-Rating, Theme (over 100), Gender, and/or On-Line Availability

Narrow the search to selections stored in the VAULT or FULL-TEXT selections to allow advanced students to create their own cuttings

Access VAULT selections from our database or browse the VAULT directly – the options are endless 

The Database

Extemp & Limited Prep

Extemp Topic Generator 
100+ Domestic & International Questions each month for in-class practice or for use at your own tournament

Impromptu Speech Topic Generator
1,500+ Unique Prompts in 30 Themed Categories -- from “Harry Potter Quotes” to “Social Issues”

Duo Improv Scene Generator
Randomly generates 3 Characters, 3 locations and 3 situations, then student pairs have 30 minutes to create a 4-7 minute scene

Extemp Limited Prep
Extemp Limited Prep
Powered By Pen Publishing Interactive, Inc.